Sep 26, 2019

How to use less plastic while travelling

As minimizing our footprint while we travel is so important, here are some ways you can cut out and use less plastic as a traveler and minimize your footprint.

How to use less plastic while travelling

As we continue to become more conscious of our footprint on planet Earth, we search for ways to cut down, eliminate, and be more mindful of the things that harm our environment. One of the worst killing machines to our ecosystems is plastic.

The effects of plastic waste on the environment is putting our world at risk. For one, it litters our oceans, killing our marine ecosystems. Annually, up to eight million tons of plastic is dumped into the oceans every year. Meaning your briefly used bags and straws are likely to be floating along the water or living their days on a secluded island right now. Also, it’s estimated that in 30 years’ time there will be more plastic than fish in the sea.

Basically, we just need to eliminate plastic use altogether.

At this point, it’s not enough to use plastic with the intention of recycling it afterwards. Most countries lack the infrastructure and money to recycle, with 91% NEVER being recycled globally. Even putting items in a recycling bin does not guarantee it will be recycled or reused.

Think about this: the amounts of plastic spread around the world from the 1950s and beyond will form a noticeable line in the sedimentary rocks of our future. That’s an interesting way to leave our mark on the planet.

As travelers, it’s crucial to take responsibility and strive for more kind and conscious travel as we explore the world. Let’s vow to cut down on our waste. Here’s some amazing ways to get the ball rolling to using less plastic while you travel.

Use a bamboo toothbrush

Roughly 3.5 billion toothbrushes are sold every year. What’s your typical toothbrush made out of it? That’s right — plastic. Luckily, there’s an excellent alternative to the traditional toothbrush: bamboo toothbrushes. Coming from the fastest growing plant in the world, it is extremely sustainable and bio-degradable. Humble makes great bamboo toothbrushes and the company does a lot of outreach programs to help our planet and its communities.

Pack a canvas bag

A plastic bag’s lifespan is, on average, 12 minutes. A bag that can take thousands of years to decompose proves itself useful for just 12 minutes. Once a bag has done its job of carrying groceries, it’s typically discarded and thrown in the trash.

Join the fight against plastic bags and start using canvas bags. Made of cotton or linen, canvas bags are an excellent alternative. Keep one rolled up in your purse or backpack at all times and you’ll never need to use a plastic bag. Plus, they’re way more fashion forward, not to mention kinder.

Use friendlier deodorant

Better yet, use plastic AND aluminum-free deodorant and treat your body as well as the world better. There are a lot of fantastic companies such as Humble, Lush, and Eco Roots which sell friendly, package-free deodorants.

Ditch the take-away cup

Simplest way to cut down on one of the worst single-use items around? Drink the beverage where you purchased it. Why the hurry?

However, if you absolutely need to do take-away and don’t have a reusable cup with you, ask for your beverage without a lid. But do note that many paper-based cups have a thin, plastic lining around them, so it’s still not a perfect alternative.

Cut down on waste by purchasing a reusable cup. There’s plenty available online and in local shops.

Switch to bamboo cutlery and straws

Getting items for takeaway, for example, usually results in the server handing you over a set of plastic cutleries enclosed with your food in yet another plastic bag. Switch to bamboo cutlery by having a set with you.

Then, don’t forget about straws. Use bamboo, metal, or cardboard straws instead.

Say goodbye to tampons and hello to the menstrual cup

Women, not only is the menstrual cup a huge money saver, but it’s environmentally friendly compared to its plastic-wrapped predecessor. Tampons come individually wrapped in plastic and, not only that, but the applicator itself is, too. Menstrual cups are made of silicone, and they’re safer for the body. Tampons, on the other hand, aren’t as safe.

Another alternative is reusable cloth menstrual pads.

Switch from plastic bottles to an eco-friendly refillable one

It’s estimated that a typical plastic water bottle takes 450 years to biodegrade. That means every single plastic bottle ever manufactured (unless burnt) still exists today. Use a canteen or mason jar for your water instead.

Use kinder toiletries and switch to solid products

Reusable, carry-on approved toiletry bottles are an excellent idea. Whenever you’ve used up all the product, rinse it out and refill the bottle.

Another alternative are package-free products. Lush, Eco Roots, and many others are serious about package-free, plastic-free products.

Solid toiletries are perfect for travelers, anyway. Every time I travel, I break off pieces of my solid products, place them into little reusable containers, and plop them into my toiletry bag. Not only do they hardly consume any space, they’re insanely convenient, and less messy than liquid products. Win, win, win!

Do the best you can

As long as single-use plastic exists, we will still come across it whether we want to or not. It’s hard to completely eliminate plastic waste from our travels, but being more conscious and using the above alternatives is absolutely several steps in the right direction. As the saying goes, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Happy travels! Let’s be part of the solution. This article was originally published at The Spirited Explorer.